
The Oak Ridge Music Boosters is governed by an elected Board of Directors and its membership. The Board of Directors consists of a president, secretary, and separate vice presidents and treasures for choir and band.

Parents are encouraged to volunteer for the Board and various activities throughout the school year. Volunteers are most welcome as coordinators for PRISM, Coconut Club Dinner Show, Uniforms, Formal Dress, Phone Tree, Food, Concerts, Marching Band, Spring Trip Chaperones, Awards Night, Fundraising, and Festivals.

Mission Statement

To provide organizational and financial support to the Oak Ridge High School Music Department and to support the program priorities as established by the Music Department Directors.

To promote and encourage school board, administrative, faculty, student, and community interest and support of the Oak Ridge High School Music Department.

To foster a closer relationship between home, student, and music department faculty through parental involvement.

From the Music Directors

To our incoming and returning band and choir families:

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome our Trojan musicians and their families to the Oak Ridge Music Department. Whether your student will be in the instrumental music program or one of our amazing choirs, this will be an exciting and busy year. Students will have countless opportunities to make friends, develop skills, and grow as musicians.

But your students won’t be the only ones busy and working. WE NEED YOU, PARENTS! The support and help of our Music Booster parents is vital to the success of the music program at Oak Ridge High School. We need any and all of your available time and skill to sustain this program, and believe it or not……. your kids really do want you there!

Nathan Tilley and Natalie Fletterick